
Christopher Holman's Fundraising Page

Thank you for visiting CJ the DJ's fundraising page! People living and being treated for HIV/AIDS continues to grow almost 30 million in the United States.  Rural areas like ours in NH are losing services as organizations like ASMR disappear.  

With last minute changes affecting my vacation, I decide rather than be upset that I am alone on my weekend vacation, I should do some good while I am here.  I don't fly out til early afternoon Sunday, so a nice walk to raise money for the 33rd anniversary of AIDS Walk Las Vegas.

33 years ago I was in honors Human Anatomy and Physiology at Monadnock Regional Hogh School. I was 14 and knew I was gay.  Each of us did a report on a different virus or disease and I chose HIV/AIDS.  I reached out as a young teen to meet my first HIV+ friend.  He spoke at my school, and for many events in the 90s. 

He is one of many friends I have lost because of this virus.  

So Sunday, I want to make a difference while I am here.  Even when I get upset at individuals in our GLBT+ community, I have to remind myself that not everybody has had the support and love I have.  And we need to support our community wherever we are, whenever we can. 

I'd appreciate your support, any amount truly. 

If I can make $200 for this community, where prostitution is legal and tourists abound, I shall feel as though I have done something meaningful on a vacation, even while mending my own broken 💔.  

Will you help me hit my goal?



Total Raised


of $200.00 goal raised
1 of 1
150 of 638
Christopher Holman
375 days ago
Bob T
373 days ago
AIDS Walk Las Vegas
From:4/28/2024 9:00 AM
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