
Welcome to your new FamFund page. You can personalize this page to tell your Family's story just about any way you would like. We've provided a basic structure for you below, but you can use this space to add whatever you want, however you want.  You can use the option on the bar above to change the font, size & color! As you add your own touch to this page, make sure to delete these instructions!

Add your LOGO Here.  Set the size to about 200px wide.
Use the to upload it.

Use this space for your family bio: This can include information about your family, child, diagnosis, etc. Anything you want your community to know about can be included here.  This can be as long or as short as you’d like.  This is where people from your community can learn more about your journey.  Think about your “elevator spiel” that you give when someone asks about your child or family. 

Below is a Table that can be used to add sections for a gallery of photos, or information.  Go up to Insert -> Table, and choose the grid size you would like to add. 

Then Customize each cell with a photo or text.

Support Batten Families with Us

Add a little information here about why you are partnered with the BDSRA and how donations to your FamFund affect families based on the fund direction you chose:
  • The Greatest Need.  These funds will be used at the discretion of the BDSRA Foundation where the greatest need at the time is.  This means that the funds could be used for administrative purposes, or for any of the other mission areas. 
  • Family Support.  These funds are used to support our families with grants for emergency travel, bills, unexpected costs, safety hazards, funeral expenses and more.  Ideally, this fund will be healthy enough to also fund grants for accessible vehicles, medical equipment, home modifications, and other large requests. 
  • Scientific Research.  This fund supports scientific research for all types of Batten Disease.  As the research progresses, funding for certain types of CLN’s may require more funding than others.  By keeping this fund fluid, we have a better chance of finding a cure for all types of Batten Disease. 
  • Advocacy.  This fund will help individuals and families in the Batten Community attend advocacy events such as Rare Disease Week at the nation’s capital, and other conferences related to Batten Disease.  It also provides stipends for families that want to attend our Annual Family Conference.   

Connect with Us
(Add any links to social media, email addresses, or other means of connecting with you outside of the BDSRA FamFund Page.  Use the button to add the URL to text)


In the News

Has your family been featured in a local news story, blog, podcast, or other media?  You can add photos with links and embed videos here.  Use the Insert ->Media menu.

Have more to say? Great, we want to hear all about your Family, so other fun things you can share are:

A favorite moment from the Batten Family Conference
Why you are a Batten Advocate for a Cure
How people who are not part of the Batten community can help us work towards a world without Batten.
Anything you are passionate about!

Need help building your page or have questions? Reach out to beth@bdsrafoundation.org.

Total Raised


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