
Hope for Addy

Hello! We are the Becker/Boggs family: Melissa, Matt, Matthew, Jimmy, and Addy. Addy was diagnosed with Batten Disease, CLN3 in 2019. Our family is built on love, resilience, and a deep appreciation for little moments that make life special. Addy inspires us everyday with her strength and joy. Our journey has been shaped by challenges but has also strengthened our bond and taught us that life is short and to cherish every day. We believe in the power of hope, love and prayer. Through it all, we lean on each other, our faith, and our community.

We have partnered with the BDSRA because we know that spreading awareness for a rare disease in important. Research for rare diseases is underfunded, leaving those suffering with Batten Disease very limited treatment options. By raising funds, we are hoping to change that. The BDSRS gives families access to better treatments, improved quality of life, and the gift of community. Every donation for Batten Disease research brings us one step closer to hope, healing, and a future where, hopefully, we can find a cure! Together we can make a difference.

Connect with Us
Email:  melissabecker1222@gmail.com
Rare Disease Momma

Total Raised


of $10,000.00 goal raised
Beth Fries
53 days ago
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