
lisa phaneuf's Fundraising Page

USTA Mid-Atlantic
Summer Smash
Fundraising Challenge

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page!

Youth players in the Mid-Atlantic need YOU! Participate in the Summer Smash fundraising challenge with your team to raise money for the USTA Mid-Atlantic Jr. Player Scholarship Program.
We have had an overwhelming response for the scholarship program in 2022, and we raised over $10,000 to help youth tennis players in need. But this is not nearly enough to help all that have applied. That is why we have a goal to raise $15,000 + so more scholarships can be awarded. Your team participation in this challenge will help junior tennis players, beginners, intermediate and advanced players to defray costs related to lessons, classes, camps, as well as equipment and other related costs.
Total Raised


of $500.00 goal raised
2 of 9
7 of 31
Lisa's Team
the tennis angels
Lisa Phaneuf
580 days ago
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